- Family News
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- PreK- 89.78%
- Kinder- 88.29%
- 1st- 90.08%
- 2nd- 87.32%
- 3rd- 91.70%
- 4th- 90.61%
- 5th- 93.81%
Friendly reminder:
Physical IDs are REQUIRED to attend school events and to pick up students from the front office BEFORE dismissal time (3:00 pm).
If you lost your ID or it was stolen, you can show the DPS temporary ID notice.
ID pictures ARE NOT allowed for front office pick up, NO EXCEPTIONS
Medication Pick-Up Notice
As the end of the school year is approaching, I would like to remind you to arrange for pickup of your child’s medication at school. The medication cannot be sent home with your child or a sibling.
Please pick up your child’s medication on the following days: May 28 – May 31, at the school’s front office. Medications left at the school after the above date will then be discarded per YES Prep policy.
On the first day back to school you will need to fill out a new Medication Authorization and/or Physician Statement form for the upcoming school year if your child needs medication during school hours. As a reminder, each medication needs a separate Medication Authorization form.
Thank you for your cooperation. Have a great summer!
See you next school year,
Nida Ahmad, RN
School Nurse
(713) 924-5513
Families, we are thrilled to announce our next attendance contest!
ALL students present from May, 13 - May 30 will be entered into a raffle to win, drumroll please.......
- Onn 32" Class HD LED Roku Smart Television!
We will have 2 winners, one Pk- 1st and one 2nd - 4th. Winners will be announced the last day of school. Good luck everyone!
YES Prep's Dress Code Policy
YES Prep Public Schools believe in the power of community and school pride while also deeply valuing students’ right to express their individuality without the fear of unnecessary discipline, body shaming or the confines of gender norms. Students have the right to be treated equitably and dress code enforcement at YES Prep will not create disparities, reinforce or increase the marginalization of any group, nor will it be unfairly enforced more strictly against a student because of racial identity, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, cultural or religious identity, household income, body size or type or body maturity.
YES Prep’s dress code policy is centered around values of equity and school pride. The YES Prep dress code allows for building individuality and allows for community building through campus-specific attire. The dress code is a daily expectation and should meet district and campus guidelines. Like all YES Prep policies, if a student’s dress or accessory choice poses a concern for student physical or emotional safety, a campus administrator has the discretion to disallow the dress item.
2024-2025 Uniforms
For the 2024-2025 school year, students are required to wear a YES Prep-branded uniform top five days a week, the the last day of the week allows for a variation (i.e. – college t-shirt day). Students will be allowed to wear a uniform top from any previous school year (that fits uniform policy).
Additional Guidance:
- All YES Prep students should own at least 1 campus polo.
- Uniforms from the 2023-2024 school year and previous years are acceptable if they meet the school’s uniform guidelines.
Visit https://yesprep.revtrak.net/ create an account and order your uniforms!
Is your student using the school bus for the 2024-25 school year?
If so, please log into your Skyward account and complete the transportation registration form by June 14.
PS: If you forgot your Skyward login information, please message Ms. Bustamante.
Know a family or friend that may be interested in YES Prep?
Send them our way!
At YES Prep, we believe every student, every family deserves an opportunity for a prosperous future and we are so thankful that you have entrusted us with providing a quality and enriching education for your student.
We also understand that our best advocates are families just like yours; families who have good experiences to share with other families who may be interested in getting the same high-quality, college-ready education for their child/ren.
Please say YES and help us reach others by referring family or friends who deserve the same opportunities offered at YES Prep.
When you refer a family, you’ll get rewarded with some YES Prep swag!
May 27: Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL
May 28: PK Step-up Ceremony
May 28: 5th Grade BBQ Picnic
May 29: Kinder Step-Up Ceremony
May 29: 5th Grade Ice Cream Social
May 30: 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
May 30: Last Day of School!
- Family Notes