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Can you believe it is almost May? It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming our sparks into the building for the 2023-2024 school year. I can still remember their fresh faces. This is my 8th year working in education and it still astonishes me how quickly children grow and learn. This year has been action-packed. Full of challenges and even more victories. Summer is the perfect time to take a break from those challenging days and to celebrate those victories. While summer is a time to relax, I want to remind you about how children thrive when there is a routine in place. Though there is no school in the summer, implementing small routines at home will contribute to our sparks being their best selves. Below are some ways routines help children succeed socially and emotionally.


  • Participating in routines encourages children to learn and grow.
  • Everyday actions such as dressing, washing hands and getting ready for the day are rich opportunities to support your child’s learning and development.
  • Routines build self-confidence, curiosity, social skills, self-control, communication skills and more.
  • Routines create manageable expectations that allow children to build emotional resilience, such as saying goodbye to parents or carers each morning at drop-off


If you choose to implement routines at home, remember it can be something as simple. Such as the spark brushing their teeth and having breakfast at the same time everyday, daily exercise, weekly outings, household chores, etc. Make it fun, as summer should be!

Lastly, I would like to thank you all for your contributions to a successful school year and for trusting me as your Student Support Counselor. I look forward to another year of smiles and collaboration.


All my Best,

Ms. Wilder

Week of April 29 to May 03

  • PreK- 90.55%
  • Kinder- 87.93%
  • 1st- 88.27%
  • 2nd- 90.57%
  • 3rd- 91.41%
  • 4th- 94.39%
  • 5th- 91.43%



Friendly reminder:

When dropping off your students, you must walk them into the front office. Please find a parking spot, turn off your car, and walk your student to the front office.

You cannot park by the cones or the fire lane. Students cannot walk to the front office by themselves as this is very dangerous!

Thank you for your help with making sure NCE is a safe place!


Dear Sparks Families,

Friendly Reminders

  • Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day to stay hydrated.
  • Please send a spare change of clothes with your child to use in case there is an accident/spill.
  • If your child needs any medication during school hours, please reach out to the school nurse for further information.
  • Please ensure your child does not have a fever 24 hours prior to coming to school. The student should be fever free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse at the number listed below. Thank you!


Nida Ahmad, RN

School Nurse

(713) 924-5513

Today we announced the winners for the Fire 7 kids 7" tablet (pk - 1st) and Amazon fire HD 8 tablet (2nd - 5th) and the winners are....


Drumroll please....


  • Juan Sanchez (1st grade) and
  • Hailey Hernandez (4th grade)

Congratulations, keep the good work!


Hi Sparks Families!


Students in K-5th grade will be engaged in end-of-year MAP testing. The testing window will be from May 6- May 24.

Please view the schedule below to see specific dates/times your student will be testing.

  • It is imperative that students arrive to school by 7:30 AM on the days of MAP testing to ensure they complete the test with their class. Additionally, it is important that students come to school with their laptop, charger, and headphones, as all tests are completed online.


  • Most importantly, please celebrate your student’s hard work this year and motivate them to give their very best on this test! This test will measure their progress this school year and help them set goals. Remind them to take their time, show their work, and do their best! We know that all our students can be successful in showing what they know! Please take an opportunity to encourage them to do their best and remind them that we all believe in them! 😊


  • It is imperative that students are present on the days of their MAP tests. We have a requirement by the district for 100% of students to be tested to ensure they receive proper support next year. If a student is not present on their designated testing day, they may be required to complete make up testing during special events such as senior walk, field day, and picnics. Please plan ahead so your student can be present on their day of testing.

If you have any questions or concerns about MAP testing, please feel free to comment below or email Mrs. Ybarra at


Please complete the “Possip Pulse Check” family survey that was sent to your email. The survey will close Sunday, May 5.

Take the survey and learn more by visiting


Is your student using the school bus for the 2024-25 school year?

If so, please log into your Skyward account and complete the transportation registration form by June 14.

PS: If you forgot your Skyward login information, please message Ms. Bustamante.


Know a family or friend that may be interested in YES Prep?

Send them our way!


At YES Prep, we believe every student, every family deserves an opportunity for a prosperous future and we are so thankful that you have entrusted us with providing a quality and enriching education for your student.

We also understand that our best advocates are families just like yours; families who have good experiences to share with other families who may be interested in getting the same high-quality, college-ready education for their child/ren. 

Please say YES and help us reach others by referring family or friends who deserve the same opportunities offered at YES Prep.


When you refer a family, you’ll get rewarded with some YES Prep swag!


Teacher Appreciation Week- May 06 - May 10

May 6: We are together in the 50s- Wear your favorite 50s outfit or grease movie inspire outfit.

May 7: Throwback 70s- Wear your favorite 70s outfit.

May 8: Nurse & Receptionist Day Wear scrubs or dress as a nurse.

May 9: We love 90s- Wear your favorite 90s outfit.

May 10: Oops it’s Y2K again- Wear your favorite 2000s-inspired outfit.

May 10: PK Splash Day

May 10: Field Trip (1st & 4th)

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